🔆 Game of the week: LumbearJack (September 1st, 2022)

October 12, 2022

Game of the week: LumbearJack

"Grab your axe and save the environment by chopping and recycling every man-made thing in your path and solving puzzles with your charming animal friends!"

I saw this during one of the Nintendo Direct events and it looked adorable and I immediately wanted to stream it.

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Feature clip: Playing: Raft

I've started playing Raft with our kid lately so it's on my mind way too much.

Watch the clip

Book I'm reading this week: The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss

"In The Wise Man's Fear, Kvothe takes his first steps on the path of the hero and learns how difficult life can be when a man becomes a legend in his own time."

I liked this book but the main character can be exceptionally frustrating. And it also seems like this book came out in 2011 and the series will never be finished. Womp womp.

So far, I've read 49 of my 52 books for the year.

Learn more about this book!


Here's some interesting stuff going on in games & sustainability recently:

How to Recycle TVs: Environmentally Responsible Options

"TVs can be recycled, and while the process may involve some legwork, it’s often reasonably easy—and easily worth the trouble compared with the alternative."

Swedish Neighbors Conserve Water by Holding ‘Ugliest Lawn’ Contest

"On the island of Gotland in Sweden, residents have spent this year letting their green lawns die off in a mass effort to conserve water. Irrigation bans led neighbors to get creative, offering a title to whoever ended up with the ugliest lawn."

Games are starting to understand there's more to wildlife than hunting

"However, there is a big shift happening. Think of that one wish so many players have in games with dog companions: I want to pet the dog! Is this spreading further?"

This Teenager Invented a Low-Cost Tool to Spot Elephant Poachers in Real Time

"Seventeen-year-old Anika Puri created a machine-learning-driven model that analyzes the movement patterns of humans and elephant."

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