🔆 Game of the week: Norco (June 16th, 2022)

August 18, 2022

Game of the week NORCO by Geography of Robots

"NORCO is a Southern Gothic point & click narrative adventure that immerses the player in the sinking suburbs and verdant industrial swamps of a distorted South Louisiana."

All I've heard is this is about a climate dystopic setting near an oil refinery. And it's a must-play for the year. Let's try it out!

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Feature clip Playing: Room to Grow

My one and only time doing well on the first try while playing a puzzle game live. You're welcome, Itsyee.

Watch the clip

Book I'm reading this week Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir

"Ryland Grace is the sole survivor on a desperate, last-chance mission—and if he fails, humanity and the Earth itself will perish."


And it was SO underwhelming. Oh man. There was too much hype for this book and I did not enjoy this very much. C'est la vie.

So far, I've read 33 of my 52 books for the year.

Learn more about this book!


Here's some interesting stuff going on in games & sustainability recently:

Extraterrestrial city-builder Synergy is all about hope and harmony on a new planet

“Humanity's new home isn't too hospitable, but you'll have to learn to respect nature to thrive."

As the Great Salt Lake Dries Up, Utah Faces 'An Environmental Nuclear Bomb'

"The state of Utah has the largest saltwater lake in the entire western hemisphere — but it's like the tide went out and never came back."

The Ethereum price crash...

"So far, the current Ethereum price crash is doing more for the environment than the planned move to PoS. Compared to just three weeks ago, estimated carbon emissions related to the ETH network have gone down by around 30,000 metric tons of CO2 per day."

REGENERATE Game Jam - Matariki

"Join the jam to explore and learn from a panel of farmers about Traditional and emerging indigenous Māori food production practices, Organic and Regenerative farming, and help expand the variety of games featuring better farms."

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