Company highlight: Plaine Products

March 6, 2021

I've worked with Plaine Products for over three years now so full disclosure: they give me money. And I love them. So, so much.

Plaine Products sells refillable bath and body products made from vegan ingredients. Aluminum bottles are shipped to you and if you subscribe, Plaine Products pays the shipping for you to return the bottles so they're re-used over and over again.

I'll tell you more Plaine Products on this Friday, February 12th. I'm going to feature a company I love that's eco-friendly-ish every Friday. We'll see how it goes.

Also, as the CEO of Plaine Products egged me on to do so, I've made an affiliate account. If you end up buying something from Plaine Products, I'll get extra (??) money now. In theory. This is so weird. They're not paying me to talk about them in this current setting. But I do want to be overly cautious here with disclosure.

(I can also explain all about affiliate marketing programs if anyone's interested on Friday...)

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