Eco-challenge of the week: donate something

March 6, 2021

Last week, my goal was to get outside for at least 30 consecutive minutes for one day this week. I succeeded! Despite several rainy days. You can see some pictures on my Twitters or Instagrams.

This week, the challenge is to donate something. Do something good for you, for others and the environment, as this article claims.

Donating clothes and other items reduces waste in landfills and saves water (from new item creation).

According to another article, "Globally, the fashion industry produces 20 percent of wastewater and is responsible for 10 percent of carbon emissions, says the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. That’s more than the combined emissions from international flights and maritime shipping."

If you're in the position to donate something right now, join me in this challenge this week! There are a ton of people in need and there's no time like the present to pay it forward. And hop on the stream and let me know if you've beaten the challenge this week!

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