Eco-challenge of the week: get outside for 30 minutes

March 6, 2021

Each week, I challenge myself (and anyone else who wants to participate) to do something eco-friendly-ish.

This week, my goal is to get outside for at least 30 consecutive minutes for one day this week.

I don't want to list all the stats about the benefits of getting outdoors. There's, like, too many to list. And it's a really hard time to get outside. We're all in a pandemic in the winter.

(which means it's more important than ever to try to safely get outdoors and get vitamin D.)

In terms of eco-friendly-ish-ness, being outside makes you more likely to be more sustainable. According to a study early last year, "people who live in more built up areas and spend less free-time in nature are also less likely to take actions that benefit the environment, such as recycling, buying eco-friendly products, and environmental volunteering."

So go outside! Get some fresh air, if you can. Take a photo and share it with me on the twitters!

And hop on the stream and let me know if you've beaten the challenge this week!

Update - feature clip:

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