Eco-challenge of the week: support a zoo or conservation center

March 6, 2021

Last week, my challenge was join a Buy Nothing group. I did and so far have unsuccessfully handed off my stuff to people so..I'm still probably just going to donate things to Goodwill, we'll see.

This week, my challenge to myself is to support a local zoo or conservation center. A lot of zoos and conservation centers have taken a hit during the pandemic due to lower ticket-sales (expectedly) and fewer donations.

Here are some ways you can support wildlife in lazy or more ambitious ways -

A lot of people have mixed feelings about zoos, but zoos and aquariums (especially those in the Association of Zoos and Aquariums) work hard to drive conservation efforts and research.

Yes, there are some questionable zoos out there with some questionable practices. But for the most part, AZA-member zoos and many conservation centers have helped do tremendous work for protecting wildlife and endangered species.

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