Eco-challenge of the week: have a fully vegetarian day

March 8, 2021

Last week, my challenge was to support a local zoo or conservation center. A lot of zoos and conservation centers have taken a hit during the pandemic due to lower ticket-sales (expectedly) and fewer donations. So I went on a social media spree and Liked and Followed a ton of 'em.

This week, my challenge is to have one fully vegetarian day.

So. The Vegetarian Society is probably...biased. But according to their stats, replacing meat with vegetarian sources of protein (like nuts, seeds, beans and lentils), we reduce carbon and greenhouse gas emissions - the whole food production process of farm-to-plate totals 30% of all global greenhouse gas emissions.

Eating a vegetarian diet means 2.5x less carbon emissions than a meat diet.

A vegetarian diet requires way less land to grow food compared to meat-based diets and way less water. Their main example: one 8 ounce chicken breast takes over 542 liters of water to produce.

I'm gonna start small here and do one fully vegetarian day this week. Let me know if you wanna try this out, too.

Update - feature clip:

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